Neo Healar Ointment | 30G
Neo Healar Ointment | 30G
Neo Healar Ointment | 30G Neo Healar Ointment | 30G Neo Healar Ointment | 30G Neo Healar Ointment | 30G Neo Healar Ointment | 30G

Neo Healar Ointment | 30G

SAR 58 85
118 Points
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Neohealer Ointment | 30 g




Product Description:


New Healer contains a group of natural substances that help in the treatment and relief of hemorrhoid pain, as it helps in speedy recovery and treatment of bleeding resulting from hemorrhoids.


How to use:


It should be used three times daily for three weeks.


Indications for the use of New Healer:


- Treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids.


- Helps speed up the healing of hemorrhoids.


- Relieves pain caused by hemorrhoids.


Warnings and Precautions:


People allergic to mint should not use this ointment.


the ingredients:


- Peppermint.


- Aloe vera.


- Indian Fatria.


- Lupinus Albus material.

GTIN : 0000001001722
Weight : 0.100 KG
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