Huggies Extra Care No.5 (12-22) | 60Pcs
Huggies Extra Care No.5 (12-22) | 60Pcs
Huggies Care No. 5 (12-22) | 60 diapers
Product Description:
Huggies Extra Care Diapers have a special triple liner with soft absorbent pads to care and protect your baby's skin.
It contains soft, breathable materials that allow skin to breathe and are gentle on your baby's skin.
Product features:
Contains 0% fragrance, 0% latex (natural rubber) and 0% chlorine bleaching agent.
The diaper is clinically tested, hypoallergenic and dermatologically approved.
It has an elastic waistband for a snug fit that keeps your baby comfortable while crawling, walking, during naps or sleeping at night.
The diapers are designed and shaped to provide up to 12 hours of protection for your little one.
The Producing company:
Kimberly-Clark International
عادل الحسن :
2024-08-02أحمد حمدي :
2024-02-21جودة عالية لا يسبب التحسس جربته مع ابني وجيد جداً.