Gcare Ovulation Test gives you quick and clear pregnancy results.
Interpretations of the results of the Gcare device:
✓ The result is positive:
if two visible lines appear, and the test line is similar or darker in color compared to the control line,
✓ The result is negative:
it is if the two lines also appear, but the test line is lighter in color than the control line, which means that the level of luteinizing hormone has not reached the threshold level to release a positive result, and the appearance of only the control line without a visible test line means that the level has not reached hormone for the minimum necessary to obtain a positive result,
✓ Invalid result:
If the control line does not appear, the test is invalid, and often the sample size or wrong performance of the test causes an invalid result, it could be that the test strip was not kept immersed in urine for five seconds at At least or because it is dipped past the stop line, in which case dip the test strip back into the urine for an additional five seconds, wait five to ten minutes, and then view the results again.