Obstetric Gel

Obstetric Gel
Genotal Lubricated Sterile Gel to facilitate childbirth
Genotal gel is the best medical lubricant for pregnant women, specially designed to facilitate the process of natural childbirth and provide you with a better experience.
A lubricating gel to facilitate childbirth and open the uterus quickly. It does not contain any effective chemicals and is not absorbed through the blood, so there are no risks from it, as it provides only physical properties.
How does Genital Gel work?
The process of natural childbirth is divided into two parts: the first is waiting for the cervix to dilate to 10 cm, and the second is the expulsion stage.
During the expulsion stage, the fetus begins to exit, and the mother needs a large amount of energy to push the fetus out due to the presence of great friction forces between the fetus and the vaginal membranes.
Genotal is a sterile gel with a set of unique properties that covers the vaginal membranes, forming a smooth layer on the outside, which reduces friction between the fetus and the walls of the vagina, which facilitates the exit of the fetus.
Features and benefits of ginotal gel
Speeding up labor with a sense of comfort and safety.
Protection of the mother and fetus.
Protect the pelvic muscles.
It reduces the possibility of converting the birth process into surgical interventions or resorting to a cesarean section.
It does not contain any effective chemicals and is not absorbed through the blood, so there are no risks from it, as it provides only physical properties.
It is also a sterile gel that does not contain any of the allergens on the skin and is free of preservatives and free of latex.
How to use Genotal Gel
The gel is applied during the vaginal examination when the cervix is 3-4 cm dilated.
Apply 3-5ml of gel into the birth canal above the visible part of the head.
The gel is applied 15-30 minutes after the water comes out of the head.
It is preferable to use the gel in an amount of about 10-20 ml in all stages of childbirth, as it reduces the duration of the expansion and expulsion stage.
The gel has the property of conducting electricity, which makes it easier to use cautery to stop bleeding without worrying about the gel.