Endometrin 100MG | 21Vag TAB
Endometrin 100MG | 21Vag TAB
Endometrin 100MG | 21Vag TAB
How progesterone works
Progesterone is a natural steroid that is secreted by the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands.
In the presence of sufficient estrogen, progesterone converts the proliferative endometrium into the secretory endometrium.
Progesterone is necessary to increase the susceptibility of the lining of the uterus for implantation of the embryo.
Once the embryo is implanted, progesterone works to maintain the pregnancy.
Medical uses of indomethrine - tablets
To support implantation and early pregnancy by fetal supplementation for corpus luteum function as part of an assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment program for infertile women.