Irritation of the skin

Irritation of the skin

The face and skin of a woman is the secret of her beauty, freshness and attractiveness; Therefore, many women have the habit of preserving their skin, striving diligently to ensure that their skin is always in freshness and beauty.

Some women resort to exfoliating the face; They demanded that they restore the purity and freshness of their faces.

Some women resort to masks and masks that help clean the face,lighten and moisturize the skin.

But knowing that these two methods (face peeling - masks and masks), their goal is to improve the condition of the face, moisturize it, clean it and restore its freshness, but they may cause irritation to the skin, which makes it necessary to treat this irritation.

(All skin care products are available at Adam's pharmacy).


First: Treatment of skin irritation after peeling:

Many resort to peeling the face; In an effort to improve the condition of the skin and maintain its freshness, and peeling removes damaged skin cells, and reveals strong healthy skin, but one of the common things after peeling is skin irritation as a result of peeling the face, and this irritation resulting from peeling is common and widespread, especially for women with Sensitive skin, and sometimes this irritation lasts for 5 days, on average from 2 to 3 days after the completion of peeling, and the skin also becomes more sensitive to sunlight, and there are several ways to treat skin irritation after peeling.

(masks and peelings are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Skin irritation treatment:

(Products for treating damaged skin are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Use of ice packs:

Ice reduces skin irritation quickly and immediately, making it a quick and effective way; As ice reduces skin irritation after peeling.

Calamine lotion:

Calamine is a topical medication that reduces skin irritation and helps soothe it.

Use of topical steroids: 

steroids help reduce irritation and moisturize the skin.

Take analgesics: Analgesics

help relieve skin pain and reduce skin irritation.

(Medications to reduce fever and pain relievers are available at Adam's pharmacy).

Use of skin moisturizers:

The use of moisturizers daily leads to the reduction of skin irritation.

(All facial moisturizers are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Use of sunscreens: Sunscreens

help also treat skin irritation.

How do you protect your skin after peeling from skin irritation: Take

into account the change of bandages frequently:

Sometimes the doctor puts a bandage after the peeling procedure.

This imposes on the patient the obligation to change the bandages continuously, while continuing to put the ointment, as this reduces skin irritation.

(All first aid is available at Adam's pharmacy).

Moisturizing the skin on a continuous basis to prevent skin irritation:

Moisturizing the skin daily helps protect the skin from irritation, and also reduces the appearance of scars.

Taking into account the cleaning of the skin constantly after the peeling process protects against skin irritation:

You must constantly clean the skin with water and special lotion, in order to protect you after peeling, madam, from skin irritation.

Do not use indoor or outdoor tanning beds after exfoliation to prevent skin irritation:

outdoor and indoor tanning beds should not be used after exfoliation.

Avoid exposure to the sun after peeling to prevent skin irritation.

The person who has peeled should be exposed to direct or indirect sunlight during the recovery period from the peeling.

It is also recommended to use sunscreen or an umbrella while out in the sun so that the skin is not affected after peeling.

(All sunscreens are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Natural masks and masks to treat skin irritation after peeling:

Aloe vera gel mask: Aloe

vera is one of the very important natural materials for the skin, as it treats many problems, it helps treat facial redness, and also helps moisturize and tighten the skin.

  • How to prepare aloe vera gel to treat skin irritation after peeling:
  • Madam, extract the gel from inside the aloe vera and then put it in a small bowl.
  • Stir the aloe vera gel well until it mixes.
  • Spread aloe vera gel on your inflamed face, and protect it for a while until it dries.
  • Wash your face well with lukewarm water.

Oatmeal, white honey and coconut oil mask to treat skin irritation after peeling:

Honey and oats help soothe the skin, and they also help remove redness and irritation on the skin, and the mask is used as a natural moisturizer for the skin.

  • How to prepare an oatmeal, honey and coconut oil mask to treat skin irritation after peeling.
  • Madam, put 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder, with 1 tablespoon of white honey and stir it well.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to the mixture, stirring well.
  • Madam, spread the mixture on your face, with the prohibition of touching the cannabis to the area of ​​​​the eyes or eyebrows.
  • Leave the mask dear for 30 minutes on your face.
  • Wash the skin with water.
  • After completing this process, you should consider applying an appropriate moisturizer on your face to help moisturize it.

White honey mask with rose water to treat skin irritation after peeling:

When white honey mixed with rose water, they are a very useful mixture that helps calm the skin, and the mixture helps treat skin irritation, and the mixture also helps treat redness resulting from peeling. .

  • How to prepare bee honey with rose water to treat skin irritation after the peeling process: 
  • Madam, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of rose water.
  • Stir my dear mixture well until you get a homogeneous texture.
  • Spread the mask on your face, and also make sure that the mask does not touch the eye and eyebrow areas.
  • Apply the mask to your face for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your face well with water.
  • Put my dear suitable moisturizer commensurate with your skin.

Second: Treatment of facial irritation and redness after masks and masks:

Cucumber, oatmeal and glycerin mask:

Cucumber is characterized by its high water content; So it is an effective role in moisturizing the skin and maintaining its freshness, and oatmeal is effective in treating skin irritation.

  • How to prepare a cucumber mask with oats and glycerin to treat skin irritation after the mask:
  • Cut a cucumber.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of oats.
  • Then add 2 tablespoons of glycerin to it.
  • Mix them all in a blender.
  • Spread the mask on your face.
  • Leave it to dry, then wash it well with water. 

Oatmeal mask to treat skin irritation after a cinnamon mask:

Cinnamon is one of the herbs with a pungent smell, which plays its role in cleaning the skin and removing damaged skin, but cinnamon due to its pungent smell may lead to skin irritation, so the face needs moisturizing masks to treat skin irritation after it, and oats contain Contains moisturizing substances for the skin, such as (starch - phenols - beta-glucan).

  • How to prepare a cinnamon mask to treat skin irritation after a cinnamon mask:
  • Prepare 1 cup of oats.
  • Put a quarter cup of water on it.
  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Spread the mask on your face.
  • Leave the mask for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it well with water.

Cucumber mask to treat skin irritation after the cinnamon mask:

It is known that the effective ability of cucumber to moisturize the skin, which makes it have a magic effect on your skin, especially after preparing with a cinnamon mask.

  • Prepare a cucumber mask to treat skin irritation after the cinnamon mask:
  • Bring a cucumber.
  • Chop it well in a blender.
  • Spread it on your face.
  • Leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the mask well with cold water.
  • Gently dry your face well.
  • Apply moisturizing cream after it, and you will find an amazing result, my dear.


We showed dear skin irritation.

We mentioned the main causes of skin irritation.

Skin irritation after peeling, and how to treat it with masks and others.

Skin irritation after masks, and how to treat it with natural masks.

Skin irritation after the cinnamon mask, and how to treat it with natural masks.


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