Treatment of vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which soft white areas appear on a person's skin. It usually begins on the hands, arms, feet, and face. Globally, approximately 1% of the population suffers from Vitiligo. Read the article to the end to learn about the best ways to treat Vitiligo.
What is vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes the skin to lose color. Soft white areas (called patches if they are smaller than 5 mm or patches if they are 5 mm or larger) appear on a person's skin.
If you have vitiligo in a place with hair, your body hair may also turn white.
The condition occurs when the body's immune system destroys melanocytes (skin cells that produce melanin, the chemical that gives skin its color or pigment).
Vitiligo usually begins with a few small white patches that can gradually spread throughout the body over several months.
Vitiligo usually begins on the hands, forearms, feet, and face, but it can develop anywhere on the body, including the mucous membranes (the moist lining of the mouth, nose, genitals, and rectum), the eyes, and the inner ear.
Sometimes the large spots continue to expand and spread, but they usually stay in the same place for years.
The location of small spots changes and changes over time, as certain areas of the skin lose their pigment and restore. Vitiligo varies in the amount of skin affected, with some patients having a small number of pigmented areas and others a general loss of the skin.
Natural treatment of vitiligo
The best methods of treating vitiligo, whether traditional or natural, take a long time. Some people can see results within weeks, while other treatments may take up to nine months, a year or more.
- Acupuncture: Skin tingling shows promise as a leading natural treatment for vitiligo. Acupuncture is a process in which a trained practitioner uses a medical cylinder with 200 or more microscopic surgical needles placed on the skin. Today, acupuncture is commonly used to stimulate collagen and elastin production, strengthen scars, and reduce stretch marks. Since there is a risk of infection, it is necessary to find a qualified doctor.
- Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid: A two-year study conducted at Sweden University Hospital found that more than half of the trial participants experienced new pigmentation when combined with vitamin B12, folic acid and sun exposure. The prevalence of vitiligo stopped in 64% of patients. The researchers noted that areas that received direct sunlight showed the greatest improvement.
- It is recommended to add a variety of foods rich in vitamin B12 and foods rich in folic acid. Vitamin B12 is essential for vitiligo patients because it can help prevent depression, which is a common side effect of a vitiligo diagnosis. Folic acid is essential for overall health and wellness because it reduces the risk of heart disease, can prevent certain types of cancer, and is essential for a healthy pregnancy.
- Zinc: Another common deficiency found in people with this condition is zinc. Zinc supports a healthy immune system, fights cancer, fights diabetes (an autoimmune condition commonly associated with vitiligo), supports proper nutrient absorption, and helps repair and heal muscles, tissues, and bones.
- Copper: While researchers disagree about whether a copper deficiency causes vitiligo or is caused by vitiligo, adding copper-rich foods to your diet may be beneficial.
Best Beta-Carotene Treatment for Vitiligo
- : For the overall health of the skin, carotenoids are essential. Beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin are found in savory foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, and tomatoes.
- Beta-carotene with its anti-cancer properties, lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with eye health, and lycopene with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. In addition, these powerful carotenoids may help reduce inflammation, promote eye health, and protect the skin from damage, including skin cancer.
- Aloe vera: Aloe vera has long been used for skin health and also supports a healthy immune system response.
- This powerful plant contains the essential antioxidant vitamins needed to combat vitiligo, including vitamins A, C, B12 and folic acid. It also contains essential minerals, including copper, calcium, chromium, zinc and other minerals that can help re-pigmentation of the skin, making it a vital treatment for vitiligo.
- Vitamin C Like folic acid and vitamin B12, many patients with vitiligo also have a vitamin C deficiency.
- Vitamin C deficiency is more common than many think, and for vitiligo sufferers, it is essential to help slow cell damage, fight free radicals, and generate collagen, which is essential for a healthy life. Bones, joints, ligaments and skin. The best way to get the vitamin C you need is to eat fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. But, citrus fruits may not be the best choice for vitiligo sufferers as they can reduce pigmentation in some people.
- Vitamin D Many people with vitiligo are sensitive to sunlight, and some conventional treatments can cause severe sensitivity to sunlight. For this reason, incorporating plenty of vitamin D-rich foods into the diet is vital, and supplementation may be necessary. The best sources include cod liver oil.
- Turmeric and Mustard Oil: Topical application of a mixture of turmeric powder and mustard oil can lead to positive changes in skin pigmentation. Simply mix two tablespoons of high-quality turmeric powder with enough mustard oil to make a paste. Apply it on the desired areas, and leave it on for 20 minutes. At least a minute before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Do this twice daily for at least two weeks. Keep in mind that turmeric stains clothes, so be careful!
- Clothing: Avoid loose or tight clothing that restricts blood circulation as it may lead to vitiligo. Also, protect the skin from the sun and artificial sources of UV rays with protective clothing or a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Watch for skin reactions to plastic, rubber, and even leather as they can cause vitiligo in some people.
- Stress management: Stress management is one of the most important treatments for Vitiligo. Our brain plays a crucial role in healing, and the more stress we have, the harder it is for our bodies to heal.
- In addition to yoga, massage, meditation, regular exercise, speech therapy, and support groups should be incorporated.
- For young children and teens with vitiligo, providing emotional support and talk therapy with as much or more attention than conventional treatments are essential. Bullying is common and often results in low self-esteem, depression, and isolation.
These were the most important common vitiligo treatment methods that come with effective results, but you should refer to the specialist doctor to monitor the progress of the case.