Treatment of gases
![Treatment of gases]( retention2.jpg)
Many people face annoying sounds coming from the stomach, which increases the feeling of shame, and these sounds are gases coming from the stomach as a result of negative habits of eating foods that contain gas, and there are many reasons that cause flatulence and the most annoying gases that cause distress, anxiety and pain, It interferes with the performance of daily functions and tasks, so it is necessary to get rid of gas and flatulence, so we offer you the best natural ways to treat gas.
What are gases?
Gases are a natural byproduct of digestion, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane.
Gases can be passed only through a burp or through the wind. These fumes are odorless, and if the smell is unpleasant, they are usually caused by bacteria in the large intestine.
Gas can occur from swallowing too much air or when undigested food begins to break down.
Burping can remove swallowed air containing oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, but when gas enters the large intestine, it is expelled through the exit wind from the abdomen.
The reason gas grows and passes is that the body cannot digest and absorb all the sugars, starches, proteins and fibers that are ingested.
When it travels to the large intestine, intestinal bacteria attack and destroy it, resulting in hydrogen, carbon dioxide and sometimes methane gases.
Gas is common and normal, but it can be annoying and embarrassing. Conditions such as lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and other food allergies can cause digestive upset.
Recognizing personal triggers and avoiding foods and drinks that cause gas to build up in your system can also help prevent gas pains and potential embarrassment.
Common over-the-counter antacids don't relieve all symptoms and may cause side effects. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective natural remedies for gas pain all found at Adam's Pharmacy.
What are the causes of gases in the abdomen?
Foods are often gas-causing, and foods that typically cause gas are:
- beans and legumes.
- onions.
- Broccoli, red cabbage, cauliflower, artichokes.
- Soft drinks and other soft drinks
- Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols, including sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, aspartame, etc.
In addition to diet, there are several medical conditions that can cause gas pains, among others:
- Lactose intolerance is a very common condition in which the body cannot break down lactose, the sugar found in dairy products.
- Lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine stops producing enough lactase, which is needed to break down lactose.
- Undigested lactose travels to the large intestine and often leads to bloating, diarrhea, and gas.
- Celiac disease: This is a relatively common condition in which sensitivity to the protein gluten triggers an immune system response in the small intestine.
- Over time, it can permanently damage the stomach lining preventing the absorption of essential nutrients.
- Celiac disease can also cause gas and other digestive problems, such as diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn, but more serious long-term conditions, including anemia, osteoporosis and osteomalacia, are the main concern.
- Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, gas, weight loss, and malnutrition. Crohn's disease is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that can lead to a potentially life-threatening fistula.
- Peptic ulcer: This type of ulcer occurs when there are open sores in the lining of the small intestine. Peptic ulcers can lead to intolerances to fatty foods, burning stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, gas and bloating.
- Irritable bowel syndrome: This common digestive disorder affects the large intestine, causing gas and bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and bloating.
- Gastroenteritis: Usually an acute condition, gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by parasites, bacteria, or a viral infection.
- It can also be a reaction to a new food as a side effect of some medications.
- Common symptoms include gas, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.
- Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis are small pouches that can form in the lower lining of the large intestine. Diverticulitis is a fairly common condition, especially after the age of 40, and occurs when the sinuses become inflamed or inflamed. Common symptoms include gas, pain, vomiting, fever, constipation, and change in bowel habits.
- Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Small intestine bacterial overgrowth is a condition that occurs when there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine that disrupts the digestive process. Symptoms can be mild to severe and generally include chronic gas, diarrhea, weight loss, and poor absorption of nutrients.
Natural ways to treat gas
The effective natural way to treat gas is to make a change in diet.
Avoiding fermentable vegetables/carbs like beans, broccoli, cabbage and some artificial sweeteners like sorbitol (found in gum, candy, and some soft drinks) can reduce the amount of gas produced. Those with lactose intolerance can really do better if they avoid dairy.
Alcohol can impair intestinal digestion so that more food is available to produce gas.
Some proteins can also increase the smell of gas.
If gas is a problem for you, try to follow a healthy diet, which is:
- Eat small amounts of foods that cause gas.
- Eat slowly.
- Chew food well.
- Do not chew, smoke, or drink gum through a straw because this can cause you to swallow a lot of air.
- Avoid soft drinks.
Known for its digestive health and licorice-like flavor, fennel oil has antiseptic properties that can help relieve constipation, bloating, and gas pains
Add 1 to 2 drops of fennel essential oil to water and tea and drink it slowly to relieve indigestion and flatulence.
Digestive Enzymes
Take a digestive enzyme supplement as recommended. Look for a quality supplement that contains lactase to break down the lactose in dairy products, lipase to break down fats, amylase to break down starches, and proteases to break down proteins.
For even more digestive support, look for one that contains ginger and mint, which also support healthy gut function.
Activated Charcoal
Take 2 to 4 tablets of activated charcoal before a meal and again one hour after a meal to relieve gas pain.
Activated charcoal can help relieve symptoms including flatulence and flatulence by eliminating gas trapped in the colon.
Clove oil
Add 2-5 drops of clove essential oil to 8 ounces of water to reduce bloating and gas. It can also help with other digestive issues such as indigestion.
After identifying the causes and foods that cause abdominal gases, you can try the natural remedies that we provided, but if the gases continue to be excessive, you must go to the specialist doctor or communicate with Adam's team of pharmacists to prescribe the appropriate medication for your condition