Causes, types and treatment of hair pills

is a secret of human beauty; Therefore, many are always striving to maintain and improve it, and to make sure that it is always shining, smooth, fresh, and shiny.
Many people get upset when they get any injury to their hair, or to their scalp, and they rush to save their heads from any disease that hits them.
Head and hair problems abound:
Extensive hair loss.
brittle hair
dry hair;
Oily scalp.
Hair and head pills.
The problem of hair pills is one of the most difficult problems that hair faces due to its many annoying symptoms.
Symptoms of annoying hair pills:
The pills cause irritation to the affected area.
The pimples cause redness of the affected area of the scalp.
Feeling severe pain during hair styling.
Hair breakage and damage as a result of these infections.
The occurrence of itching in the head, resulting in an annoying white crust.
The occurrence of significant headaches and headaches, especially in the areas behind the head and below the head.
Before talking about hair pills and their types, we must know their causes:
Reasons for hair pills:
A- Psychological.
B - organic.
C- Behavioral.
First: The appearance of hair pills due to psychological problems:
The disorder of the situation and its poor condition, and poor mood, result in hormonal and oily secretions that affect the scalp and hair and lead to pills, and intense hair loss.
Second: The appearance of hair pills due to organic problems:
- Disruption of the body’s hormones and their imbalance results in oily secretions, causing sebum to accumulate around the hair follicles; This leads to clogging of the hair follicles and the pores of the skin of the head, and then these secretions turn into pimples in the hair scalp.
Chickenpox infection causes blisters on the scalp accompanied by itching and large infections, and this is in young and old.
Accumulation of products used for hair care such as gels, creams or hairspray on the scalp, which leads to infections in the scalp, and then pills in the scalp and head.
The use of shampoos that contain harmful chemicals, or that are not suitable for the nature of the hair, leads to the accumulation of oils on the scalp; This leads to clogging of the follicles, and then the pores of the head, causing pimples and hair pills.
(All hair care shampoos healthy and suitable for all hair types available in Adam Pharmacy ).
Wearing helmets or hats while working or in extreme heat; The pompoms and hats cause the head to sweat; Which leads to the creation of pimples in the hair and scalp.
In order to overcome this problem, hair must be washed immediately after removing the hat or helmet.
- Collection of some types of bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes - Staphylococcus epidermidis - fungi - mites).
Third: The appearance of hair pills due to behavioral problems:
- Not taking care of the cleanliness of the hair and washing it periodically leads to infections in the scalp, this inflammation may occur blisters and pills in the hair and scalp.
Excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks, which leads to the appearance of pills in the scalp and head.
Types of pills that affect hair:
1- Seborrheic dermatitis:
which leads to the accumulation of thick yellow scales on the scalp, and causes redness of the head under these annoying scales.
This inflammation is annoying for adults and children; It causes infections and dandruff for adults, and causes annoying cradle caps for infants.
2- Red pimples: Red
pimples consist of a gathering of harmful infectious bacteria on the scalp, which leads to infections in the hair follicles, which eventually leads to infection of the head with hair grains.
3- Inflamed boils (or pilar abscesses):
They are not something to worry about; Because they suddenly appear on the scalp and disappear on their own, and they are not harmful.
It is a small fluid-filled lump that grows around a hair follicle.
4- Light grains:
These grains have white or black heads.
5- Medium grains (papules):
which include papules, and also include simple pimples that appear on the surface of the skin of the head.
6- Severe pimples:
These are the most dangerous pimples, as they include streptococci and cysts under the skin of the head, and they cause acne necrotica and flaky scalp inflammation, which eventually leads to the appearance of black scales and permanent scarring.
Treating hair pills:
A- Natural treatments.
b- Topical treatments.
C - pills and vitamins.
First: Natural ways to treat hair pills:
Peppermint oil: Peppermint
oil is characterized by being anti-inflammatory, and it also resists fungi, so it calms the itching in the head.
Tea oil: Tea
Tree oil helps eliminate bacteria in the scalp, eliminates the cause of itching, and thus eliminates hair pimples.
Aloe vera gel:
It has been proven to be an effective treatment for scalp infections, and it has also been proven to be resistant to hair pills.
Second: Topical paints for treating hair
pimples: Salicylic acid:
It is very important in treating hair pimples; This is because it helps prevent clogged pores; It leads to the reduction of pimples and grains in the hair and scalp, and it also helps to treat pimples in various parts of the body.
Benzoyl peroxide:
It works to kill the bacteria that clog pores, which are pimples.
It is also effective in treating acne and D and is a key ingredient in acne creams or lotions.
(All medicines for treating hair pills and acne are available at Adam's Pharmacy).
Glycolic acid:
It is an effective and important acid in treating hair pimples. It has a distinctive property, as glycolic helps to exfoliate the scalp, remove dead skin, helps remove sebum, and also resists hair bacteria.
It helps remove dead skin on the scalp, which helps prevent harmful bacteria and fungi from forming.
It also helps to get rid of excess oils in the scalp.
As for the failure to improve with these valleys; The doctor may resort to:
- Light therapy or light therapy.
Steroid injections.
Antibiotic ointments.
Steroid creams.
antihistamines; Until you treat the allergic reaction, which causes no itching.
Oral antibiotics.
(All medications and creams for treating hair pills are available at Adam's Pharmacy).
Third: vitamins and hair growth pills:
they also help in treating hair pills; As it contains a group of vitamins that help nourish the hair follicles, and the scalp, especially protein pills or zinc pills
(all vitamins for hair care are available in Adam's pharmacy).
Prevention of hair pills:
While dealing with his hair and head, the person should avoid the following:
Avoid scratching and scratching the scalp:
There are often infections in the scalp, which forces the person to scratch, so it is necessary to scratch gently in the inflamed head; So that this does not lead to the formation of hair pills.
Avoid allergens:
There are some hair care products (shampoo, straightener or creams) that contain chemicals that cause allergic reactions to the head, so they should be avoided; Because allergies may itch, forcing the person to scratch, and this may lead to the generation of Opthores on the head.
Treating the hair gently:
when combing it, tying it, or drying and styling it with heat-producing tools.
A person must follow the following in order to protect himself from hair pills:
- Eat healthy food that contains vitamins, proteins and minerals useful for hair.
Use of hair and head care products that help expand hair follicles.
Maintaining the cleanliness of the hair and head on a regular basis.
Reducing nervous tension and psychological stress that negatively affect the hair and head.
We showed hair pills and mentioned:
the reasons that lead to the appearance of hair pills.
Ways to solve the problems of hair pills.
Damage to hair.
How do we protect ourselves from these annoying pills.