Effective natural ways to treat burns

Effective natural ways to treat burns

Many of us are exposed to burns, especially women in the kitchen, and minor burns cause discomfort, but burns can be treated at home and relieve pain without the need to visit a doctor. In common, this results in slight discomfort, redness, swelling and blisters, so many women are looking for the best available home remedies And that's what I'm going to present to you today.

All burn treatment creams and ointments are available in Adam's Pharmacy, you can order them through the website.

Treating burns at home

The severity of burns ranges from small (first-degree burns) to deep (second-degree burns) to severe (third and fourth-degree burns), which may affect the bones.

However, if we have first and second degree wounds, we can use some natural remedies at home to treat these burns:

1. Cold ointments

Use cold compresses on the burned area and leave it for a quarter of an hour if you get burned and be careful not to use very cold compresses.

2. Aloe vera 

According to studies, aloe vera can help relieve first and second degree burns because it contains anti-inflammatory compounds, prevents bacterial growth and improves blood circulation. You can extract aloe vera gel and use it frequently in the treatment of burns.

3. Black tea Black

tea contains tannic acid, which can be used for burns to help relieve pain and heal burns. You can put cold black tea bags on the burnt area, fix them with gauze, and keep them for 30 minutes.


White vinegar contains acetic acid, which has astringent and antibacterial properties, and thus helps reduce pain and inflammation caused by burns. The place of the burn should be covered with paper towels and a small amount of diluted white vinegar and then left for a while.

5. Milk

Using a cloth moistened with milk helps heal burns and reduce pain. The proteins and fats in milk help in pain relief and burn healing processes.

Treatment of burns with flour


First degree burns are superficial burns, and since cooling the burn is the first step in treating it, whether the burned area is cold or not when placed in a bag of flour, this is useless.

You can apply the flour to the affected area of ​​your choice once it cools down and returns to its normal temperature.

Any procedure that departs from this rule should be avoided because it is likely to do more harm and will not be useful in treating a burn, taking into account the type of skin affected, the condition and location of the wound, and the place where the injury occurred. The golden rule when starting to treat a burn is to cool the burned area before Put any material on it.

Treating burns with honey

Many women resort to honey as a proven miracle remedy in treating burns because it relieves the pain resulting from burns, and it has medicinal ingredients that help repair burns without consequences, and stimulates the growth of new tissues, and it has also been proven that honey helps in healing wounds and infections.

The first technique:

Apply a coating of honey directly to the burned area to reduce the intensity of pain and protect against infections because honey kills harmful germs and prevents them from reaching the affected area. This method is very easy to use.

Technique 2 

1. To get rid of any bacteria, clean the wound thoroughly with a wound disinfectant.

2.Depending on the degree of burning, we put a layer of honey on it.

3. Use dry, sterile gauze to cover the honey-coated area. 

4. Because of its antimicrobial and protective properties, honey dressings are sometimes left alone.

Treatment of burns with honey and olive oil: Olive

oil is used in the treatment of burns because of its important properties that reduce the temperature of the burned skin and can be applied as follows:


1- honey or beeswax

2- olive oil 2 cups

Application strategy

1- Put a cup of olive oil Extra virgin in a hot water bath and heat it until it reaches a medium temperature.

2- Put a cube of beeswax or a layer of honey in the oil and heat it until it melts.

3- After it is completely homogeneous, it is placed on burns or wounds, left to cool, and then stored in a jar until needed.

Treating burns with Vaseline and honey

is one of the mixtures that facilitate the treatment of burns and quickly get rid of scars and wounds. Honey and Vaseline Vaseline and honey are used to rejuvenate damaged skin cells and help in the growth of new cells.


1- A spoonful of honey

2- Vaseline cream 

3- Bandages

How to use and prepare:

1-Melt Vaseline first on a low temperature before removing it from the fire and leaving it to cool.

2- Honey is added to the melted Vaseline, mixed well, and placed directly on the burn before it is added.

3- Keep the mixture tightly closed in a container until needed.

Treating burns using baking soda and honey

Honey is the main ingredient in all known burn treatment recipes because of its cooling qualities and helps heal wounds quickly  Old burns are removed and applied as follows:


1- Natural honey

2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons baking soda

Method of use 1-

Take one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of honey.

2. Apply the mixture to the burned area and massage it for two to three minutes.

3- Cover the area with a towel or a hot pad and wait for it to cool and dry.

4- Repeat step 4 three or four times.

Treatment of first-degree burns in children 

First-degree burns affect the skin and the outer layer of the skin, and the affected child often suffers from mild pain, swelling and redness in that area.

According to doctors, you should adhere to the following basic rules while treating first-degree burns in children.

1: Apply water to the burned area.

The affected area of ​​the child should be immersed in a tub of warm water immediately and allowed to soak there for 5 to 15 minutes, and you should be careful to avoid using any ice at all, as doing so may make the situation worse.

2. Avoid removing skin adhesives.

If it is sticking to the child's burn area, only trim the edges of any loose clothing that is loose, rather than trying to remove it by force.

3. Protect the burned area.

A clean, sterile washcloth can be used in place of a non-stick dressing (there are some for burns), avoid trying to pop any visible blisters in the burn area and refrain from trying to apply any form of fat or butter to the burn.

4- Take painkillers and consult a doctor.

After seeing the doctor, try to use an appropriate painkiller based on the child's age until you get to the doctor's office so that he or she can assess the situation.

Today, we reviewed with you the different ways to treat burns using natural methods, and we discovered the magical secrets of natural honey in treating burns in general, but in the event that the burn is of the second degree, you must go to the hospital immediately to receive the necessary treatment.


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