Types of hair protein

Types of hair protein

Many seek to improve the condition of their hair, and give it freshness and vitality; Hair is the face of a woman, and a secret of her beauty. A woman is beautiful in substance, beautiful in appearance, beautiful in her hair; Any defect in a woman...
Hair spray

Hair spray

We go through a lot of problems in our lives, and we strive to solve them until we get over them and things go well. And the problem of hair loss, despite its simplicity compared to other problems, it is one of the haunting problems that burden ma...
fluffy hair

fluffy hair

Lattice or fluffy hair is one of the problems that many women suffer from. This hair, although sometimes it is light and unnoticeable, and sometimes it is thick and long and its color is black, but in both cases it disturbs the woman greatly and worr...
hair removal

hair removal

removal is one of the ways of human nature, and cleanliness is one of the signs of faith. Hair is one of the reasons for human beautification, and it is known that God is beautiful and loves beauty, so everyone strives to remove their growing hair as...
Hair smoothing recipes

Hair smoothing recipes

know, my dear, that you are always beautiful and attractive; You are God’s creation and creation, and God Almighty created you in the best form, so know that you are beautiful with your manners, beautiful with your gentleness and femininity, be...
Hair cutting days Hair

Hair cutting days Hair

is one of the secrets of beauty for women; Therefore, many women seek to improve and refine him and fix his situation, and they are also upset if any accident happens to him or he is harmed. When a woman's hair begins to fall out. Or her ha...
Porosity of hair and its types

Porosity of hair and its types

There is no doubt that God Almighty when He created man created him in the best form; He is his successor on earth, so he created him and shaped him in the best form, and God has confirmed in the Noble Qur’an: (We have created man in the best f...
Natural recipes to intensify hair

Natural recipes to intensify hair

is of interest to everyone; As it is one of the secrets of beauty, the common people love to have their hair always attractive and fresh; Therefore, you find it of interest to everyone, and the occurrence of any hair problem that may affect its owner...
Dandruff and ways to get rid of it

Dandruff and ways to get rid of it

Everyone seeks to appear in a decent and appropriate appearance in front of people, and this is the natural matter; Because we all attract the attention of others. Any change that affects a person will be criticized by others, or at the very least...
pull hair color

pull hair color

renewal is a Sunnah of God Almighty in His being; So many people like innovation in all their circumstances. You find a lot of people who like to renew their style and lifestyle, in their food, in their home, in their car, in their appearance, and...
Mixtures for hair extension

Mixtures for hair extension

Hair is one of the secrets of women's beauty. The longer a woman's hair is, the more it increases her femininity and attractiveness. Therefore, many women seek to lengthen their hair; So that improves their shape, and also increases their...
Alopecia hair symptoms and treatment methods

Alopecia hair symptoms and treatment methods

Alopecia HairIt is a disease in which the affected person loses hair from some or all areas of the body and often from the scalp. It is an autoimmune disease where the body fails to recognize itself and works to destroy its own tissues by attacking t...
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