Gincata | 60Tab
Gincata | 60Tab
Gincata | 60Tab

Gincata | 60Tab

SAR 120
240 Points
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Ginkata | 60 tablets

the description:

A herbal remedy that improves blood circulation
Treatment of aging associated with Alzheimer's disease
Improves brain functions
Migraine treatment
Helps treat asthma.
Treating anxiety Some research has shown that taking ginkgo extract for 4 weeks can reduce symptoms of anxiety.
Helps protect the retina from damage and increase blood flow.
Treatment of leg pain caused by poor blood flow in the blood vessels.
In some cases, it is used to relieve dizziness and balance disorders.
It is used alongside antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Help treat impotence resulting from the use of depression medications.
It works as an anti-inflammatory in some conditions such as arthritis and irritable bowel disease.
Helps treat intestinal worms.
Helps relieve menstrual symptoms.

Usage instructions:

Recommended dosage for adults: one (1-2) capsules once daily, preferably with a meal.

GTIN : 6253016901005
Weight : 0.100 KG
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